Grace Dog
Made with Care • Delivered with Love

Gracie’s Freezies

Weekly delivery service:
Imagine a chew toy that is made fresh, healthy and entertaining!

Gracie's Freezies logo

  • 7 Freezies per week – $130 monthly
  • 14 Freezies per week – $228 monthly
  • 21 Freezies per week – $326 monthly

We prepare them will an all-organic filling and freeze them, so you don’t have to!

Once your dog has enjoyed all of your Gracie’s Freezies, you can simply rinse them out and toss them back in the portable insulated bag provided. We will pick up the used toys and replace them with fresh Gracie’s Freezies.

Purchase Here

For questions, please call
303-238-DOGS (3647)

photo fo Gracie's Freezies
Gracie’s Freezies are

natural rubber toys filled with –

  • Organic peanut butter
  • Organic Greek yogurt
  • Organic pureed pumpkin

Gracie’s Freezies are

a great option for –

  • Dogs who love to chew and enjoy licking long-lasting treats
  • Puppies who are going through their teething stage
  • A dog who is learning to stay in a crate for extended periods of time
  • Adding variety and providing an alternative to bones or other chews

Sharing the Love

Creating a strong bond between you and your dog is what we live for.

Read More Stories

Ana, Bridget and I are so grateful you were brought into our lives. I just took Chief for his regular vet visit at his regular vet and he did great!!!! Park Hill Vets are amazing and they have supported Chief’s needs all along. But to be able to get his vaccinations and a full checkup […]

Holcomb and Bridget Mosley

ready to start?

We know that a mis-behaving dog can be overwhelming. Tell us your story and we'll take care of the rest.

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